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What is God? Is there even a God? Does Religion play an aspect in God? There are many questions that arise around the terminology of God. There are even those of us who believe that there is no God. Perhaps, there is a point where the two types of people can agree on a particular thing? Perhaps it's time for a new age of thinking?
Is There A God?
First off, before we can even start to understand what God is, we need to determine if there is a God to begin with. Some of the Modern Scientist would have us believe that there is no God. That this all just happened basically. We all exist because there was nothing and then nothing happened into something. If there was nothing, then where did something come from? That is the biggest flaw in this equation.
My Point? You can't have nothing. There is no such thing as nothing. There is always something, be it Air, Water, Dust, Wind, Fire, Earth, and so on. Even between the spaces where there is nothing, something exist. The vastness of space or the so called void has something in it. If there was nothing there, we would either fall or our space craft would simply freeze and the initial inertia that kept them going would stop, as soon as we left our atmosphere.
So what is it then that is holding us together? That is holding the Universe together and giving it all the laws it needs to follow? Enter God! In short, God is the fabric so to speak that exist where nothing else can exist. Where we believe there is nothing, God exist. In reality, God is every where. Because there is space in between even atoms. Atoms as we know it are the building blocks of matter, yes that includes Humans. We we in a sense born with or infused with since birth the essence of God. God is what gives us life, a life where we're free to choose what we experience in this life.
What Is God?
In short, God is basically everything. The ground that we walk on, the food that we eat, the water that we so desperately need, and even the energy that allows us to have a "modern life." The Native Americans believed this to be true. They revered even the rocks of the Earth, because they believe that the Great Spirit, (God) is in everything. They give thanks to the Great Spirit, (their kills) for the food that they have.
If we are to believe "modern Religion" that we are created in the image of God, then what is the image of God to begin with? God is often times drawn in the image of a Man. Is God even a Man to begin with? If God is the essence that holds the Universe together and governs the laws it follows, then I would say no.
God is an Immortal Being. We all have immortality. Our body is what does, not our spirit. How we choose to live our lives on this planet is up to us. We choose to be here. We're willing participants in this life style. We came to experience technology, music, life, and in a sense, write our own story.
With that said, I believe that we are God, not as an individual so to speak, but more or less as a whole. We're all brethren and all family.
What About Religion?
For those Religions that believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God or even God Himself. I agree, but I don't agree. If we are to believe that "we were made in God's Image" and that Christ was the "Son of God," then we must not have such a contradiction. We are all in a sense Sons of God or God Himself. A big contradiction if you ask me. Science has recently proven that we're all connected via brain waves. How do you explain that from a Religious stand point?
Religion has a purpose and can help people through this life. I do not however think that purpose is to draw us closer to God. If anything, away from God, away from ourselves. We have the power to make many things happen in our lives. That's a power that those in charge, simply don't want us having.
When mankind starts to define what God is, such as in the case of Religion, he starts to set limits on God. When you start to set limits on God, you start to set limits on yourself. For example, many people believe that God is All Good and No Evil. Are we all good and no evil? I don't think so.
If God is as loving as many people say he is, then why would he need a Sacrifice to begin with to say I forgive you of your sin? Religion is flawed in so many ways, people don't realize it until they start to think. That thinking is what will get you ahead in life, not the normal way of thinking.
I think that it's time we started thinking outside the box. The box that we came with. Life was meant to be enjoyed, we're meant to be a part of it. We choose to be here and be a participant. We grow and learn from all of this emotion and pain on the other side. It's who we choose to be.
Do you agree? I know not all of you are going to agree with some of most of what I have to say.
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